Serves 6 to 8

Preheat oven to 350°

4 cups            apples, peeled and sliced.  A mix of Jonagold and Winesap from our local orchard was delicious.

1 tsp               ground cinnamon

1/2 cup         butter (one stick)

½ cup             water

1 cup              sugar

¾ cup             flour

Spread the apples in a buttered 7 X 11 inch baking dish.

Mix the water and cinnamon and pour over the apples.

Crumble the sugar, butter & flour to pea sized pieces by hand sprinkle over the top.

Bake for one hour (or more) until the top is golden brown and a little darker around the edges.  Serve at room temperature with sharp cheddar cheese or warm with homemade ice-cream.